Essex Bridge

Essex Bridge, Wolseley Centre - you can see which period in history resonates in this corner of Staffordshire.

One of the loveliest spots on the Shugborough Estate is Essex Bridge - an old bridge spanning the Trent, and just beyond the second entrance to the estate. It's here that local dog walkers and visitors meet, and it's another of those beautiful corners of Staffordshire.

I spent ages sitting on the bridge, looking for the Shugborough kingfisher, who I'd heard as I walked past the Chinese house and the bamboo. I've seen him here before and I thought I saw a flash of blue but if it was him, he wasn't hanging about.

It's only a couple of weeks since my last visit, and I felt clearly how much stronger I've become. I walked further, stood and gazed longer, and sat on fewer seats.

I did take the buggy back to the car park. I was a bit achy, but I think I could probably have walked without mishap.

Shugborough is so beautiful and I've decided I rather like the changes made by the National Trust.

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