The long arm of the Law.

J was going to a model show at The Pavilion, in Porthcawl, this morning. so he dropped me at the gym  earlier than  usual (for a Sunday) As we drove up to the recreation centre, we saw a Police Specialist  Search Unit  van, parked outside, so we were wondering what was going on.  I asked one of the guys in the gym, who seems to know everything, and he said it was the Police Open Day in Newbridge Fields. I knew that would solve today's blip . Just as I was finishing my workout, Des arrived, and he wouldn't believe me when i said I had finished. It's his birthday tomorrow, so I wished him a Happy Birthday, and then left. As soon as I walked into the field, this walking helmet started  walking  towards me, and one of  the policeman asked me if I wanted my photo taken. I don't usually hand my camera to anyone, just in case they do a runner, but I thought, if it's not safe with a policeman, who is it safe with?  There were a few officers standing alongside, and just as he was going to take my photo, instead of saying smile, or cheese,  I said, guilty, but I don't think they were amused! I was a bit too early for some of the displays, but there were some interesting attractions, as well as the police band playing, and they were really good.The American Kestrel in my extras, was named Orlando. I then headed for home, and I was about ten minutes away, when  J phoned, to ask me if I wanted a lift, as he was on the way home as well. I still got home before he did. That was a very  interesting morning. 

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