Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

What the hell just happened???

Ten days ago, I was a plump, happy, striped caterpillar, eating tons of yummy milkweed. Then something strange happened and I lost all my stripes and woke up hanging upside down in a green shell.  Freaking weird, let me tell you.  But, I kind of got used to hanging there, all quiet and peaceful.  Then, WHAM, my lovely green shell turned clear and suddenly the side split open.  Then, these hideous long...things...came out, followed by a big black body and tiny little shriveled appendages of some sort.  Honestly, it freaked me out.  And then, I had this need to stick my tongue out...and it was forked!!  No sh**, the thing was forked.  In horror, I just stayed here on my shell, wishing I could crawl back inside...  

And so began life for #12.  Her entrance into the world as a butterfly began somewhat inelegantly, with all kinds of legs, antennae and shriveled wings.  But once she got over the shock of being a butterfly, she began to pump fluids into her wings, turning them into amazing, stunning, gossamer structures.that will carry her to Mexico.  As for the forked tongue...all monarchs emerge with their proboscis in two sections which they must "zipper" together in order to feed.  By the time she was ready to fly, her proboscis was perfect with nary a fork in sight.  In memory of my great-grandmother, Chloe Houle.

Seven caterpillars are pupating today with about 10 more getting very large.  Three more tiny first instar cats collected from the garden.  And 5 more eggs came in with some fresh milkweed.  Things are busy in Monarch Birth-Haven.

Finally got some of the rudbeckia planted in my new garden, before the heat got the better of me.  Getting ready to spend some time with MIL, Hubs and SIL as we get ready for our usual Sunday dinner.  Tonight, Hubs is making tuna on the grill.  Cooked through for MIL but just barely seared for us.

Thanks for the love on my rule-breaking butterfly yesterday.  And tomorrow, I promise, no butterflies!


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