
By mindful_life

Birthday celebration

Today my daughter turned 9! How did that happen? It seems like yesterday she was born. So I thought I would say a few things about her!

She was born 9 years ago a little early by emergency c-section. It was both scary and exciting at the same time! You don't get any training on being a mum and i remember feeling overwhelmed at suddenly being in charge of this tiny little being.

Even as a baby she was a picky eater - she would graze on milk and never have huge quantities! She is still like this now! And she will admit she is very fussy!

She was a brilliant sleeper (and still is).

I remember when she was a baby taking her swimming and seeing little girls talking and running around and thinking that I couldn't imagine that being her one day as she was so utterly dependent on me. But of course that time came without really noticing it!

She walked at 9 months (eek) and was a brilliant signer - by the time she was 15 months and her brother was born I remember having to write down over 100 signs for her nan so she could understand and respond while I went into hospital!

We moved a lot when they were young - Norfolk, Stockholm, Kent, France and settled back in the U.K. As she started school. Being young at school has never held her back. She is bubbly, sociable, gets into trouble for talking to much (a trait I actually love about her), and is keen and enthusiastic. She loves gymnastics and competes as a rhythmic gymnastics now, so is super strong and flexible- something I hope will stand her in good stead growing up!

She loves her brother dearly (although as any parent will know as siblings they have their moments). She truly has given me so much richness in my life - it's hard to remember a time without her!

Another 9 years and she will be 18 and an independent young women which is a little terrifying but a reminder also that it is important to make every day count whilst they are young!

Today for her birthday she wanted to go bowling - so we went as a family and had a really fun time!! Lots of giggles and silliness! Then, at her request we had a Chinese takeaway! My little fusspot loves Chinese food so that is exactly what we did! We had to have a picnic on the lounge floor as our table is in the garage at the moment! (Carpets being fitted Monday and Tuesday) so that was a little giggle too!!!

Happy 9th birthday to my wonderful little treasure xxx

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