Five things

By fivethings


1. Another sunny, bright day and I head out for a run. Perfect running weather. On the way I spot a couple of cyclists dressed rather peculiarly and I vaguely recognise them from Fence things. Hmmm.

2. When I return from the shops laden with food, I notice a few missed calls - Jess fills in the gaps and tells me that today is the Harris Tweed cycle round town and she's on it. I should be on it!! I can't believe I've missed it and spend the next few hours living vicariously through her photos.

3. Instead I get cooking and put together a roast dinner for Karen, who arrives laden with flowers and chocolates.

4. It's ok, apple pies could be tastier, but hey ho. We have an incredibly useful and helpful talk fuelled by tea and butter mints.

5. Downton Abbey.

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