A life lived backwards

By GailyWhaley


We went to Nyssiros today to help each other into a volcano!

You can imagine the smell! The photos weren't much cop either...just looked like the moon really!

Anyway decided to be nice wife as my beloved had a bad back, so as requested stole 2 boiled eggs from the breakfast buffet. He thought he might like a picnic in the volcano!

To my surprise he also took a 2 litre bottle of Fanta (which I don't like) and some biscuits. I giggled (maybe not the right thing to do?)

Suggetsed we had lunch at a taverna overlooking some small island which was quite idyllic. There was a cat and 2 kittens. I started feeding the kittens with bits of bread (they don't like Fanta either) and before you know it we were surrounded by cats. Hundreds of them! This is a shot of one of the kittens.

Things I learned today
Don't laugh when large bottle of Fanta are taken on volcano trips

Things I want to learn
How to take better photos of Greek things especially volcanoes

Blisters: 4
Arguments: 4

Most bizarre moment: sitting next to very large Russian lady dressed in white with large floppy hat on bus from volcano, while she took photos on her camera through the filthy windows, whilst Stevie Wonder was singing 'Isn't she lovely'

Hope you all had a lovely day- I hear the weather is appalling back home. Will catch up with comments when I can and when my laptop is recharged.

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