A life lived backwards

By GailyWhaley

Turkey for Lunch!

....and back to Greece for tea!

Very hot today and feet look like blown up rubber gloves! (you know the kingd nurses make into animals for children!)
I have never seen such inefficiency as trying to get on a ferry - people were all over the place and there was only one Greek man flying around trying to tell people what to do and he got so cross! (quite funny!)

I don't know much about turkey apart from
Turkish delight
Whirling dervishes
Ottoman Empire
It's nice with cranberry sauce!

Things I learnt today
Males over the age of ten shouldn't wear speedos
There's a lot of tat exquisite goods to buy in Bodrum

Things I should've learnt
Why there is a castle in Bodrum and why it was shut
How to take better photos

Bizarre moment of the day. Small Englishman like Charlie Drake took his top off on the ferry and pretended he was the captain!

Blisters: 4
Disagreements: 5

It's hard to be with someone 24/7 when it's not usual but we are getting on much better now it's time to go home!

Hope you've had a lovely day!

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