A life lived backwards

By GailyWhaley

Ancient ruins.....

.... I have become one!

I am sick of looking at piles of stones I don't know about and there are lots here! I should've bought a book!

I was bitten by a creature from Greek mythology last night and my swollen feet are now red and oozing! Was going to post a photo, but it's more medical encyclopaedia or Embarrassing bodies!

I am unable to take a photo of scenery - they are just pants. I seem to be able to take a pic of something a certain size so long as it doesn't move.

So here are some more bikes and a seat. These seats are amazing because they don't get hot!

Went to Asclepion today on a bus tractor thing that was playing balalaika music. Just makes me want to dance but can't because of the bites (can't move my ankle!)

Things I learnt today
Hippocrates wasn't the first doctor as his dad was a doctor, but he coined the phrase 'Do no harm'
Less disagreements if you both limp!

Things I would like to learn today
Take a photo of scenery with everything in it you want
Why my husband bought me an ice cream when I replied no 3 times!

Most bizarre moment: It's due!

Blisters 4
Disagreements abating
Books read 2

Have a lovely day

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