A life lived backwards

By GailyWhaley


.... this man has one on his head!!!??

Put on my sequined bikini and glitzy flipflops Eric Morecambe shorts and sturdy sandals to go and visit the islands of Pserimos, Kalymnos and somewhere else os.

It's been a fab day, a bit cloudy but bright and didn't need my duffle coat!

Stopped at Pserimos first and we got off, had a Sprite, bought a sponge from the cuddly man above and his wife and then got back on the boat again.
Everyone else was just taking photos of him, but thought I should buy something too as he appeared to need nicotine quite regularly and I wasn't sure how else he would come by it. But they were soooo sweet!

Then got off at Kalymnos, ate, bought a sponge and got back on the boat.
Met another cuddly man who was a cross between Grouch Marx and Norman Wisdom...amazing!

I have given up trying to learn anything!

Bizarre moments quite numerous including meeting the man with the sponge on his head. Like the dutch mother who was cutting her child's nails and brushing her hair whilst it was blowing a hoolie!!! very odd.

Really enjoyed today and only nearly had a disagreement.

Blisters: 4
Books read 2
Bites: 4

Feet still look like Fred Flinstones', but after a glass of Greek red I won't be bothered.

Hope everyone had a good day!

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