
By tookie

What's the duckie looking at......?

why Big R blowing out his popsicle "cake" candle......whooosh...his wish will come true!  Today is his real birthday and he celebrated by canning 12 jars of salsa and his going to make some pasta sauce next..He loves to can...I don't , but I love to eat what he makes so it works out well:)   The day began with a walk at the dog park and we saw a large grouping of mergansers out on the cement pad in the slough...this walk was a first for me to go 1.6 miles after my broken foot so I was elated....later after some car trauma---my friend Karen down from Alaska for the eclipse--she traveled to McMinnville and met friends there---well on the way to return her car she had a minor fender bender so that was a bummer...after that we all celebrated R's 68th at a favorite Thai restaurant.  Since R didn't want sugar I made this popsicle "cake" and altho wobbly it worked so here's to Big R!!!  His best  part was a facetime with his son and grandson!

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