A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Active Day

At some point Anna said she felt like it had been a productive day but she hadn't really done anything. I suggested busy might be a better description but she didn't think she'd been busy either so settled on active.

Early dog walk for me and the pooch.

Anna's friend Evelyn arrived to spend the day with us and we headed off to take Jackson for a music lesson and the three of us to the truly splendid brunch place nearby. Magnificent food, excellent coffee and many games of Go Fish, Strip Jack Naked and Black Jack.

Home for a quick turnaround and out to take the girls to our local swimming baths that come complete with a slide and wave machine. Sadly also enough chlorine to make me feel like my eyes were bleeding within about 5 minutes of being in there. And that was just sitting in the cafe at the side. Fortunately there was a different cafe bit behind a glass door I could safely retire to. I even managed to do some work on a new project which was fun.

Home via the collecting of some super sparkly shoes and dog food just to add to the variety in my life.

The pic is clearly post swimming and for once and by some insane miracle Anna didn't have the craziest hair. Actually this summer her hair has turned a corner away from Crazy Town which has been a huge relief for us all. Probably most of all our neighbours.

Lesley x

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