The Rumour Mill

This is Kirbister Meal Mill, 18th Century which is just about hanging on.  A large two storied mill. 

The Current Mrs Creel has been somewhat fiendish.  A peedie while ago she used her phone to record me snoring and played it back to me next morning.  CMC issues only the occasional snortette but she talks in her sleep.  Some of it is coherent and sometimes I talk to her and she answers back.  Of course by the next morning all the details have been lost.  However here is a sample of her I recorded last night:

‘However, if we look at the relationship established with pre-existing dimension within which the created object is placed, we become aware of acceptance of a dialogue which admits the existence of the dialectical pole of an objective horizon and its confrontation, although the perspective of a total redefinition founded upon the inserted object; it will be noted also that the action tends to occur not so much through s forced upheaval of the predetermined structure structural field or the quantitative demands of the inserted object, as through the emotive force of the new presence, borne over a plane of gentle modulations’.  This was all delivered in her usual soft Orcadian cadence.  When I asked her what it meant she said ‘Hell, Buey, go and get me a cuppa’.

No further recordings will be made.

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