Uncovering the Pond!

It's been another of those 'stand still' days weather wise today so a day of jobs.  Tony went off to the supermarket whilst I did some pot watering and put in three loads of washing.  After a lunch of his yummy sausage rolls, Tony went up to the allotment to continue working on his new steps, which will make access much less hazardous in winter, whilst I mowed the grass.

Grass cut, I made a cuppa and took it up to Tony to spend a break with him whilst thinking about a blip.  He had spotted a lily on the pond but it was quite overgrown because the focus has been on the fruit and veg.  This is Tony clearing it out for me to blip the lily but I decided this was a more interesting capture. 

I've just had another go at a chocolate cake in the new oven and still haven't got it right - it will be more like a biscuit than a cake I think!!

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