Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers


So, this is typical Bethan and Ro type behaviour. We have such fun. Today Bethan and I buggered off at lunch time because she finished school early, and after spending a fun morning with Prudhoe pals, we scuttled off home to my warm room, where we chatted and caught up on the week and eachother's antics, it's so good being together for like friday and saturday, then on monday, and tuesday, then before I know it it's friday again, and we do it all over again.

I love this girl to pieces, and we had a marvelous night tonight lazing about on the munch listening to Ben howard and cuddling.

We fell asleep at one point, curled up together as always. I honestly couldn't ask to be happier.

I've organised my birthday party type thing, I'm having my old group of prudhoe pals over to stay, including lots of whom used to not get on with me, but we're all resolved now, so, My girl, Holly, Catherine, Jess, Courtney and Lesley, David, and maybe Catherine's boyfriend are gonna come over for drinks and such. Like the old times, but me and Bethan are having my bed to cuddle up and such in, because It will be my birthday after all, so. Hehe.

I am content, and I love this photograph. Time for Big Bang Theory.

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