The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


Slow\glow noisily! Snapped on the way home from Dorset.

What a day! We woke early in our camp. It's my job to fry the breakfast, but first I had a hot shower (campsites are amazing these days!), then we had our last camp breakfast in the field. The sun came out so I unpacked my case again to get my warm-weather clothes out! We did a bit more packing up, then went to lie near the edge of the over cliff, watching the beachlife far below, and the holiday camp where my niece Immy once stayed. This is styled a bit like Colditz-on-Sea, with a huge wooden structure that looks like a watchtower at the centre, and primitive accommodation, but she loved it in 2010!

I could have stayed in the sunshine, with my book and the birds soaring above me, for several hours, but we had to return to break camp and head off to a place called Frampton to take tea with Steve's friends P. We took tea in his cottage garden, which was reached by climbing out of a window, and caught up with his often-hilarious tales of the life of a slightly-bewildered writer in the sticks.

All too soon, though we were off again, towards North Dorset, looking for my friends T&L, who have moved to a remote location in North Dorset. We did eventually track them down in their converted stables, where they are living the Good Life, with hens, ducks, geese and pigs and much much more! We hadn't seen each h other for five years, so could have chatted all night, but sadly had to leave after a fabulous supper, so as to start our long drive back before nightfall.

We got back at eleven. Bomble was very happy to see us. Fortunately he doesn't do stand-offish like most cats after an owner's absence. Navigating in the dark was not easy. I think the time has come to get a Sat-nav.

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