Bright and Dull

We spent time in town today. While Jan was busy I went for a 6km walk, starting off along the water's edge. Heavy grey clouds were scudding overhead, dropping flurries of rain that only lasted a few seconds. The sun broke through now and again, as in this picture.  Out along the left is the south sound and you can just see the open sea through a small gap, on the horizon. In the centre and right of the picture is a large bay.  
I followed the water's edge as much as possible but was pushed inland by a line of houses whose gardens reach right down to the sea. The extra shows the barge boards/faschia on one of those houses. I was quite proud of my Red House painted planks until I saw that house. Maybe I'll have to up my game and go for a bit more detail!
In the evening we were at the library for a lecture/discussion entitled "Kreativ Integration".  Jan (HD) is writing a lot more about that so I'll just link to her blip, Cross-Cultural Challenges, Creative Integration.
Cross-Cultural Challenges, Creative Integration.

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