Eggs, but not as you know them ...

It's been raining last night and the bolted broccoli plant became top heavy and started to tilt. I'm having to clean up the kitchen garden anyway so in between the showers I've been clearing pots etc. I've seen plenty of cabbage whites fluttering and landing on the broccoli plant these past days, and the first leaves with insect holes in  them appearing so a close inspection of the leaves revealed scores of tiny green caterpillars and a harvest of eggs.
The macro here is handheld and the best I can do, aren't those egg shapes something different ! Another natural surprise !

Remember that tomorrow it's Abstract Thursday, tag AT114 and the optional theme is 'surprise',  I'm looking forward to being super surprised ;-)

Thanks so much for your kind comments on yesterday's naughty moth, I'll have to visit the nearest garden centre to see what they advise against the critters.

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