
By Susanna

In the middle of nature

A warm day again, some +18c and partly sunny evening after warmish but rainy and windy day.

All the wirk day I hit the computer keyboard writing a large and complicated manual. I guess that I have written it in too intens postition, as my shoulders felt a bit strange as I got home.

After the dinner I went into the garden and ate blackcurrants for dessert straigh from the bush. Then sun really bursted shining and I asked hubby to join me for a bicycle trip to supermarket

And enjoying myself with the new old camera od mine!

Forestry students have had a long day to travel home today. They left the forestry institute cottage from northern Lappland near Russian border already early in the morning. First by walk, then by bus and finally by fast train.
It took some 14h to travel through the country from there to Tampere. And some of the student collaques did continue all the way to Helsinki, 16h altohgeter. Flying would be faster way of course, but train is far nore cheaper.

Nice that their last long forest course is now done.


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