Lullingstone Roman Villa

 With our house on the market and the prospect of moving away I am making a list of places to visit before we go. 
The location of the villa was found in about 1750 when men erecting a deer fence around Lullingstone Park uncovered mosaic tiles when they drove a post through it. Possibly two posts looking at the mosaic above.  The extent of the ruins was not understood until 1939 when a  a tree uprooted revealing roof tiles and a floor  but work could not  start until after WW11.   According to English Heritage it is  "Among the most outstanding Roman villa survivals in Britain, Lullingstone provides a unique all-weather family day out. Set in the attractive surroundings of the Darent Valley in Kent, the villa was begun in about AD 100, and developed to suit the tastes and beliefs of successive wealthy owners, reaching its peak of luxury in the mid-4th century."
It was the "all-weather day out " description that attracted me because it has been pouring with rain all day

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