Mean and moody.......................

….............The sky not me! Fortunately the mean and moody sky didn't turn into a rainy sky. And it's actually a very lovely evening now. Instead of helping me write my Blip maybe Ann should be making the most of her wine drinking chair because the summer nights are drawing in?????

This afternoon I went up Rosewall Hill for my walk. I haven't been up Rosewall Hill for ages because sometimes there are sheep up there and I can't be trusted not to go chasing. Today there were ponies up the hill but I was a very good little collie and didn't even attempt to go chasing them.

Unfortunately a lot of the paths were very overgrown so Ann has ended up with loads of nettle stings on her legs. She is in pain! Definitely needs to sit on her wine drinking chair with a glass of wine – for medicinal purposes of course?!

….........Wonder why gorgeous little collies never seem to suffer from nettle stings?  Answers on a postcard please Blippers???

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