
It was still raining when I went to bed last night, but it had finally stopped by the time I woke up this morning. I would estimate that we've had 60 hours of continuous rain and drizzle here. I got to the station to find the trains weren't running so took the opportunity to have a quick look at the river again. The level had dropped by some three feet since yesterday evening but it was still a raging torrent. And water was everywhere.

I worked from home until I could see the trains were back running, popped down to the station to find that although the signals were back working, my train was stuck in the station, the driver unable to release the brakes. I did make it in to the office eventually, but my train back home this evening was cancelled because of another train breakdown. None of these problems actually seem related to the rain!

I can report that No.2 son, Roam, is safely back from the jungle and is now in Buenos Aires. I've only been able to message him, but he's talking of having had an amazing experience with lots of footage for the documentary film he's going to make. He's promised to back blip the adventure. There should be some great photographs.

It has been very strange this last week, being so disconnected from him. We're so used now to being able to call our children on their mobiles, or have contact through email or facebook, that it's quite disconcerting when that is taken away. I do wonder if this capability and almost need to be connected all the time actually makes children today less independent and resourceful than the children of my generation. That's an interesting question to throw out to you all. I'm not sure if I have a firm opinion. He says, though, that being out of contact was actually great, and that the things that are normally so important to him, like the football scores, became utterly insignificant. He never gave them a thought. That's got to be a good thing.

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