It's in the trees (again)

Today was activity day. To be honest, my main activity was a longer run in the Nike Frees, this morning, but this afternoon Dan and the miniMinx went up into the trees for the 'Aerial Adventure' while Abi and I had her first squash lesson. 

I think it's the first racquet sport she's played and we spent a lot of our forty-five minutes with her learning to throw the ball up and hit it (i.e. serve). But frustrating as it was, she didn't once get cross with herself or say she'd had enough: she doggedly stuck with it. And when I suggested we might play on Saturdays while Dan's at work, she was all for it. I was really impressed by her determination. 

And after that, we went out to watch the last few minutes of Dan and the miniMinx's adventure. Here he is on the final tripwire. I know he was safe but my heart was in my throat.

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