Nike Free 5.0

These are the new shoes that I bought on Sunday. I was a bit nervous about running in them; I've heard various horror stories about people causing themselves issues in 'barefoot' shoes. Not that I think these are hardcore barefoot: I don't know enough about it really. But, anyway, I took them out for a tentative 2.7 mile run around the perimeter of Centre Parcs, yesterday, and that was all fine. 

This morning, I decided to push a bit harder, going faster and further, opting for two laps 'round Centre Parcs at my normal pace. Except that I'm faster in these fellows; I averaged 7'53 per mile, which is a pace I haven't managed for a few years. 

In the afternoon, I went back on the slides with the kids followed by a beer with the Minx in Bella Italia, which was very pleasant, and then we came back to the lodge for a game of Cluedo. It's lovely that the kids have enjoyed playing games in the evening: cards, Monday, Scrabble, yesterday, and a bit of sleuthing, this evening. (The miniMinx revealing herself to be the Poirot of the family.)

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