Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Happy Anniversary... the one who makes my life so sweet.

Seventeen years ago, I married the love of my life.  I feel so incredibly lucky to have this man in my life.  Oh, don't get me wrong - he's not perfect and (although I'm sure you will find it hard to believe) neither am I.  But together, we are perfect.  With him at my side, I feel like I can get through anything.  I think he feels the same about me.

And I should point out that the man has the patience of a saint!  When he met me, I was a single woman living in Manhattan, wearing snappy suits and very high heels.  Now, I am most often found in sneakers, jeans/shorts, a tee shirt, and a baseball cap and always with a camera clutched in my hands.  I have a mealworm farm in the garage and a butterfly nursery that has partially expanded into the house.  That doesn't take into account the hundreds of pounds of birdseed that we dispense every year.  Or the fact that I've banned all insecticides from the property.  Or that I have not one, not two, but THREE pollinator gardens. Or that we have small striped rodents who come running up wanting to be fed when we are outside.   Have I mentioned that Hubs isn't particularly fond of insects and especially not bees?  And yet, he continues to indulge my need to connect with the natural world.  

Yep, I'm a lucky woman.  And I plan to spend the next 17 years with this man, and hopefully many more years after that...

Our Anniversary Photo in Extra, thanks to SIL for snapping the shot.

Love you, babe.


PS:  4 Monarchs released today in memory of:
My Great Aunt Elaine and Uncle Jack
My BIL Philip (my second release in his memory, as I wanted my SIL to be able to release one for her brother)
MaryJo's son, Jim

Fly true and fast, butterflies.

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