
I am filming my son, who is intent on filming himself as we sing Happy Birthday and he blows out the candles on the double-chocolate cake that I make every year. My son is now older than I am and that's a good milestone. There is nothing about this shot to recommend it, except to remind me of the fine time we all had on one of the hottest days in memory. In our shirtsleeves at 9 oclock at night out in the back yard? Never happens. But this night it is lovely and we have a feast with Mr S presiding at the barbecue and family and friends gathered to celebrate a delightful guy. We make sure everyone has a good helping of grilled zucchini--no one is allowed to leave without either eating a generous portion or agreeing to take a few pounds home.

No squirrels are at the table; he took the latest rescue to the shelter once her eyes opened, she was eating solid food, and she needed more space to run around.

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