
By RetiredDBA

To'ing and Fro'ing

An early 6am  start to load the van with the furniture destined for K's new flat in Tynemouth. The drive to Tynemouth took just under two and a half hours. The van was unloaded which took longer than expected as some of the furniture provided a challenge in terms of getting it through the various doors. Once empty the we then took the van to Heaton to collect a bed that K had ordered, a one hour round trip. After a very quick bite to eat we were off again. 

The van was returned to Newcastle airport where I met Mr B and we then continued on our journey. We had arranged to meet friends at the Pheasant at Bassenthwaite for dinner and as we were early I decided to drop into to Keswick to stretch my legs on a walk along the side of Derwent Water. Not sure what was happening or had happened in Keswick but it was gridlocked in every direction. After being stuck in traffic for ages I didn't bother trying to park and drove out. We stopped on the A66 and took a short walk down to the shore of Bassenthwaite. 

Enjoyed an lovely meal at the Pheasant before finally arriving home very tired at 11pm.

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