Red Flash

By RedFlash

Writing on the Floor

This means something. I assume that this means that there is something under here that they need to avoid when they dig up the road.

I'll let you know when they do

Going large isn't going to do much

I went back to check the bike of yesterday and it is now this one

It still doesn't have any pedals

The thing that made me smile:

Went to check on the bike and walked through Bunhill Fields. A squirrel was sitting on a bench and bent down to talk to him. He looked at me quizzically as if to say "where is my nut". They were in my camera bag and not with me (bike taken with phone) - note to self - put nuts in pocket

Exercise: I've found a way of exercising my thighs. Every time I went to the toilet I went to the one two floors up, climbing the stairs. The stairs are rarely used and they echo nicely so I normally have a quick sing as well. Terrifying anyone else using them as I am normally louder than I realise

PS Replacement part ordered for dishwasher

PPS The man opposite me on the train was drinking a glass of rose. Not a drink I associate with a man. And then I noticed that he had removed his shoes. I'm going to have to start a campaign to ban shoe removal on trains

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