Caught in a storm

Even though we knew it was coming!

Had a good service today at church followed by a luncheon. Ben's last time playing for a while :(.

He sadly 'lost' his phone on the ferry when he got home VERY late last night, or should I say this morning, so I had to go to the ferry pier first thing, before church, and make some enquiries.

We did head down to the beach as we hadn't been for ages, despite knowing that thunderstorms were going to be coming in. We did see some bright lightning, but it all made for a rather nice experience. The rain was warm, and somehow that always feels more tolerable!

Here's some of our church playing volleyball, just before the storm came. And yes some people are posing.

Back home and after some more calls to the ferry pier, they managed to locate Ben's phone at the Central pier! Phew! What a relief. He jumped straight on the next ferry to go retrieve it.

One good thing about DB/HK ... people/attendants usually do hand in things. We are all so grateful for this incredible blessing today.

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