
By TBay

The Haul!


I have completed a weekend I don't want to do too many times a year!

Friday was Show preparation day and staging of exhibits in the evening. Saturday up early and off to the hairdresser before returning home to prepare for expected guests and for the Produce Show on Sunday. Had to return to pick up my items from the Wrington Flower Show that afternoon.

Much to my HUGE delight I managed to win two Cups and a number of certificates! This was the first time I had entered this show so felt a bit quilty beating the other old timers! And yes my orchid won! Then it was back home and prepare to leave for a wedding party. Well actually we ended up doing two wedding parties in the end! So got home at midnight a little tiddly!

So this morning I was up a 7:00 to prepare for the Produce Show today. It was a bit of an effort to rise and the cup of tea was much needed!! Loaded the car with items for today and headed off to the show. Rain was the order of the day .

I staged my items then stewarded for the handicraft section of the show before heading home to prepare a yummy home cooked lunch.

Having said goodbye to our quests I was about to sit down (much needed by this stage)  when I had a phone call to say that they were cleaning the show up early, so it was off again !

I did really quite well again winning or being placed in nearly all my classes and yes my orchid won again. This is now a much travelled orchid! So back home and unpack the exhibits for the last time. Phew!  A very busy few days.

The evening wedding party we attended last night was a cousin of Mrs Tbay Jnr and Little Miss was a flower girl. She looked just so sweet and had a ball!

So this week is back to normal, well almost. We are just about to hit the YFC AGM  season with Mr Tbay and myself out for three evening this week attending AGM's. Also VAT and bill time too. Bring it on!!

See extras for a a glimpse into exhibits etc.

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