A Couple of Swamp Inhabitants

The swamp just behind my place is one of the most gorgeous swamps.
I think Ive said before ...It's teaming with life.

As I was taking photos of it this afternoon just to the left of me was thick grassy type reeds with lots of little ducklings (I think) in there.
So far I have seen cranes....ducks...little black cormorants......sooty oyster catchers...dragonflies and thank goodness no snakes....yet. I am sure they would love this little habitat and the weather is heating up so fast that they are on the move already.

When I am standing by the swamp and it's so quiet I feel like I slip into some type of zone
Well it's been happening a lot lately.....it did yesterday up in the Caldera...It's hard to explain...I'm sure many of you feel the same when out there in nature....just observing.....just being.........It's such a beautiful feeling of connection...it fills me up and I am happy.

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