Nice to see...

... not much really changes.
Kids still build "dens". 
It may be the rose tinted spectacles of time, but I'm sure ours were bigger/better/more secure; but then, being country lads we had ready access to miles of "Binder twine" to lash branches with. 
Be that as it may; they're, apparently, still at it.
The tribe  had a busy(ish) day, a "Tramp in the woods", for a treasure hunt: we didn't find him; followed by a session in the local, volunteer-run library, which it seems the council couldn't afford & closed. 
They have a sort of "Bring & buy" system. Books are "loaned out" by "selling" for a nominal fee. This results in an income to keep it alive and, apparently, most of the books are read and returned for another "Sale".
As Jerra said, the woods were exceeding prolific in yielding Sweet Chestnut trees of enormous size
This one wasn't particularly huge, but I saw it had been sawn off at a height and was regrowing Pollard-style. I was intrigued by the, not overly visible, bunches of fungi scattered over its trunk; a bit like a mega DIY Shiitake culture. 
As to location, I had NO idea exactly where in the 350 acres we were, so I just bunged us into the middle somewhere.

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