What did I see today...?

By DaveR

Black Hole

Where did Wednesday go?

Well most of it was lost to work, but happily the evening was lost to the pub and the second NaNo catch-up of September. Topics of conversation are always a bit random and it was no exception this time, among them I remember talking about:

What to eat for dinner.
Whether or not anyone actually had any ideas for NaNo this year.
Why venison steak should only ever be cooked medium.
The reasons for which Other Scott can never be high-fived (still a mystery lost in time).
Why I should be given two dinners for the price of one.
How in the hell it could possibly be nearly October.
Why the NaNo TGIO needs to be rearranged around my own plans (not likely!)
Which is better, American or Canadian Thanksgiving...? Both if you happen to have friends from both (see here)

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