What did I see today...?

By DaveR

Today I saw... Colours and shadows

Okay, I'll admit right off that this isn't the most... photogenic subject matter - trolleys are only ever good if a). you happen to be completely trolleyed or b). there's an adult in one looking confused.

However it's the combination of the light giving the background colour and the shadow of the trolley splitting the rest of the shot into monochrome that I like; it helps show up the post-shower shine from the rain that hit during badminton (that wasn't the only thing that hit during badminton either, does anyone have a spare knuckle?)

Now if you'll excuse me, it's back to 'Thor', and I may well just have to loop the "You dare threaten the son of Odin with such a puny weapon *gibber* " bit for comic purposes.

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