A Lovely Spring Day.

I knew it would have to be an at home blip again today so here is a little spot of cheerful colour from under the silver birch tree.

If you look hard, there is a little winged visitor on one of the flowers. I would really have liked it to be my main blip, but didn't spot it until on the computer. It is a pretty little fly with gold patterns on the body and pink and blue iridescent wings. I have cropped the flower heavily and put it as an extra.

This morning I seemed to be getting a lot of comments from folk who were not followers  so I checked out the Popular Pages and discovered that I had two blips on the first page . That is a rare treat. Since then, the shag with a fish has slipped back to the top of the second page, but the drop with refraction is still sitting on page one.

A big thanks to all those unknown but kind blippers who left stars and hearts and comments on my blips. I enjoyed hearing from you and I have been having a little look at your journals too.

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