Head of the loch (Day 853)

After the morning woofer wander up the hill, I headed to town to collect bits, then on to a job fitting an outside tap. Thankfully the job was completed without the presence of any midges.
I was back home in time for nosebag with my beautiful wife, after which we headed off to Wasadale for a wander with the dogs. There was fairly thick cloud cover, but as we headed back to the car, the sun broke through and there was a bit of sunshine on the head of the loch.
Both HV and I had a quick turn around at home and we zoomed off in different directions. HV went to town, and I headed to a job in Stromness. The job should have been relatively straightforward and quick, but 2 hours later I was still at it. I finally got it finished and headed home where  I organised a bit of stuff for the adventure south tomorrow, before HV and I went to Mum and Dad's to drop off the woofers and have a fabulous dinner.
I am fairly convinced that it is wine o'clock now...

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