Before the new gardener comes

Sadly, about 10 years ago I was diagnosed with a condition called fibromyalgia. It can be quit debilitating and has changed my life. I used to keep a lovely garden, doing all the work myself. I still try but can only manage 10-15 mins then need to sit down. I need a lot of sleep and many people find it a bit weird that I often go straight to bed when I get in from work. My walking is really painful and some days my wrists hurt so much I cry.
But tomorrow a friends husband is going to do a couple of hours in the garden for me. I am sure that it will be uplifting for me to see once again a tamed garden.
My GP supports my stubborn resolve to keep working full time, although I am not too sure how many more years I can cope with working in pain and with chronic fatigue. Not to mention my brittle asthma that results in 3- 4 hospital admissions a year. :-(
Cant wait to come home to a well tended garden. :-)

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