Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


I missed Blip. 

A couple of weeks ago I had a peep and spotted this photo from Technophobe and realised that she, LooseCanon and other Blippers were with John Gravett in the USA. I followed their adventures avidly and felt myself being drawn back into Blip.

It has been an eventful year since I was last here. Work became ridiculous, I became very stressed out and everything else went out of the window. I am now semi-retired; 3 lovely ladies in Milton Keynes are doing my old job and I now deal only with the directors' and senior managers' payroll (& cherry pick a few other jobs I fancy). I am slowly coming back around to the old me, and miraculously have some free time. 

I miss having this record of the dull days as well as the eventful ones. I will fill in the gaps as far as I can - I guess that's cheating but it's for me so I don't care, and there are still going to be loads missing. 

My selfie has been doctored with Prisma because I am vain. 

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