Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Quick sunny one

It's been a fairly grey day on the whole but, as you can see here, with just enough light to give me a quick sunny one from down by the stream.  I've been wanting to add a blip of purple loosestrife to my journal for a while as it's been such a feature of the waterways and wetlands for the last month or two.  I don't expect it will be around much longer.  Already the bottom flowers have gone and the new flowers are opening ever higher up the spikes.  But it is such a rich colour, this purple, while the grasses are fading from green to olive.

Apparently it's obnoxious to biting insects - definitely my kind of plant then!

The rest of the day has been spent doing 'stuff' and taking my old gent on his monthly outing.  Will tomorrow be as busy?  Probably ;)

Happy Thursday evening (goodness, don't the weeks go quick?  Spinning by..)  xx

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