Well Preserved

Digging through the piles of stuff in the attic while trying to reach articles for Miss Flum to use in her new house, we came across a box of Kilner jars. These are not the thin, metal-topped, foreign-made variety but good, solid, British-made, with glass lids. I also found a pack of spare rubber sealing rings for these. I do have some smaller 'All-Purpose' jars using replaceable metal lids with screw tops, but I never liked them as well. I wish I had found these before buying modern ones for the gooseberries last year.

I had thought them to be my mother's, saved from closing the family home, but the remaining labels (a few shown in the extra) prove that I was using these in the mid-1970's, when she was very much alive. Can you imagine several of these 3lb jars full of Grapefruit and Lemon Marmalade, Seville Orange Marmalade or of Strawberry Jam? With two young hungry children I must have been a demon home-preserver in those days! 

There may be more treasures exposed in the attic - a veritable goldmine of potential blips.

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