Now, where did I leave my Mini.....

What a week! I am shattered and I'm so glad I'm off for the next three days. 

Sue was driving the lorry today, so I rode shotgun. We were chatting and ended up on the wrong road to Rochdale. A quick jiggerypockery up a couple of roads and we were back on track...."We'll tell them we stopped for a cuppa".  "Nah, let's say we fancied a breakfast." "We just won't say we went wrong'".......actually we didn't have to say anything as we still got there first and they are none the wiser lol.

We pass this mini on the way and I was armed and ready, finger poised and window down. Sue crept across the junction and I bagged me a mini lol.

I did manage to knock the urn over and swamp the carpet with water....oops....then I scattered the pot full of pens across the floor....I looked up at the waiting donors who had seen both mishaps and said, "So who wants to be the first one I stick a needle in then??"

We are both doing Stoptember and we are so in the zone and being very good. I need to lose weight so that I can wear the jacket I love next weekend when I go on a jolly jaunt so I need to stay focussed. 

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