Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

On my way to the gym at the bus stop. Since the changes in the bus routes I have a short walk to the ordinary bus stop. I used this bus before too - thankfully not all of the buses were changed, but at least 98% of them. 
When I came to the gym I got a happy surprise when one of my gym-buddies were there, although he told me earlier in the week that he wouldn't. He got me to try out a new workout for my chest muscles and lower the weight to 5 kilo. It was tuff!! I did 5 reps and no more! I know that particular group of muscles are something I need to train more. Then he continues with the exercise and teased me so much for the low weight, saying this was nothing. Men!?! :D It's so much more fun to work out together than by myself. 

Autumn is slowly creeping closer. Leaves are changing colours. It's colder outside even though (thankfully) we still have some sunny days. The sun still warms a bit but I fear my tomatoes will not mature this time. I'll take them inside soon. It's been such a strange summer. Colder and shorter, it feels like. No frost yet, thankfully, but it feels like it's not so far away. 

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