Another Friday Night

Did one or two little jobs, as well as give the son a feed. He’s a bit thin. Part of the lifestyle, I guess.
After that, it was time to scoot - along to The Pond, a boozer in Salamader Street, to meet up with Insto who’d been chatting to some bloke about the SS Explorer. Turns out he (not Insto) has a reputation (entirely undeserved according to his good self) as a bit of a neer-do-well amongst the seafaring folks of Granton. Misunderstandings, I'm sure. He wasn't to know it was someone else's outboard!
Anyway, we supped happily away, being joined by ImIndoors. Until we decided to noise up Jaybroek who was carousing nearby.
That bloody Collier said the Tempest was 3.8% - it was 5.6%! No wonder we were way early in talking gibberish. And then Insto and ImIndoors started err 'debating' the merits or otherwise of the Blair administration's program. And what Corbyn could or couldn't learn. Lordy Lordy.
Anyway we all parted eventually in our separate directions and then I decided I needed another beer. Essential. So there I was in the Dreadnought, chatting away with Jim & Laura from Dublin. I asked why they were over in Embra - they were surprised at my naivety. It seems ordinary mortals can't afford to live there. I think that was the gist. And then home - my 'Rawk' playlist gets bigger and better.. and louder!

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