Stick Man

We had a wonderful start to the morning when I opened the curtains and we were lay in bed looking out to sea.  And the nice thing is that the upper rooms are designed so that no-one can walk past, so it's very private.

We went down for breakfast which was yet another amazing buffet, with a smoothie bar, and you can also have a glass of fizz!  We refrained from the fizz, although I'm sure I'll have a champagne breakfast as some point while I'm here.  There's also a cooking station where they make omelettes to order.  Somehow I think we're going to gain weight on this holiday!

After breakfast we had the 'welcome' meeting, which dragged on a bit, with the rep trying to sell excursions, as they do.  We have hired a car for two days though from tomorrow and the rates were pretty good.

We then wandered into 'town', walked down to a cove and sat on the rocks watching the waves crash and at one point I got drenched!  It was nice and cooling though as it's been quite hot and humid today.

As we've got a full size fridge in our room, we called at the supermarket and picked up some wine and soft drinks, and we walked back through the village and reminisced about our family holiday last year.

Scarlett was only 3 and a half then and was mesmerised by the narrow streets and thought it was Arendelle Castle out of Frozen.  We went in search of Elsa and Anna, and all of a sudden she got very excited at seeing Stick Man!  Stick Man is a children's book about a family made out of sticks, and she thought the cross on top of the church was him!  So today my blip of course had to be of Stick Man :-)

We had sangria in the village, I had a swim back at the hotel and then fell asleep on one of the Balinese beds which was actually in the pool.  Alan meanwhile was lay on the said bed, listening to the Foo Fighters with his headphones in. It really is a relaxing place, and we can't fault a thing!

Hope you're all having a good weekend.

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