Boot shed

Into Skibbereen today delivering cards. Job done I was free to do a bit of mooching while Himself did the hunter and gathering in Lidl. I had a bimble around the market - it was jam-packed and made me smile. A band of fairly elderly gents were hammering out some Pink Floyd (rather well), two young boys were doing a spot of Irish trad on their fiddles, Darina Allen  was browsing and Ian Bailey was trying to sell his poetry. You can buy just about anything on Skib market from ethical clothing to mega healthy vegan nibbles to huge cream cakes to carrots to jewellry to artisan cheeses to ancient paint tins and wellies.

The extras are a few colour suggestions for Wildwood who is thinking of painting her house - the choice seems to be any colour so long as it's white . I'm suggesting she be a bit of a rebel and go for a bit of wild Irish colours!

Skib also has some wonderful old shop fronts which please me.

And now I'm listening to my new Iron & Wine CD. The little joys in this dangerous time.

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