During the morning I had some funny hours, seeing all the absurd and funny photos. I loved to comment on each of them.
My first hearts I will give tonight to litl, Kimb, Annie, pkln and si_b.
A better day today weatherwise.
After lunch we walked down for a walk in our town, and there we discovered it was today a festive day in Karlshafen. An opening of a new Hugenotten exposition, and a celebration of the exploration of the salt that has made our town famous for it.
There was a man from Bodenfelde who was busy drying salt water on a fire, and it was a fascinating sight to see this. After taking photos of him, he explained what he was doing. I got a leaflet with interesting  information, for instance that in 833 for the first time Budinisveld (Bodenfelde) was named in a charter, in 1217 build the Lippoldsberger nuns a salthaus to use the salt for themselves, etcetera.
I am glad I can show him in his extraordinary outfit here.

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