Dark and forboding

The weather forecast for today was not good, rain all day but another group walk had been planned, this time along the coastal path. We managed a fair distance before the heavens opened and we donned our wet weather gear. We reached an old hut where we had our morning coffee and it really threw it down then. We moved on after the rain had stopped and reached Ladram Bay where we planned to have our packed lunch on the beach. The rain held off and one of our group bought some chips but we weren't to tell his wife. We walked on towards Sidmouth and I worked out we might just catch the bus due at 2.45 to take us back home but I wanted to go to the butchers to buy some individual pies that we like. I had to hurry the butcher and ran as the bus was at the stop but it didn't drive off for a while so I was fine. This was the view from the beach.

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