Flowers from Saida

Saida found me finishing my morning tea in the cafe at the bottom of our apartment building. She brought me these flowers as a gift, and I bought her tea.

We chatted in broken French, broken more on my side than hers. I had to resort to the Translate app on several occasions.

She empathised about the lack of gluten free foods in Morocco realising that I have to bring so much food with me. She had looked for meringues but they're not even in the shops anymore.

When I was explaining about coeliac disease, she commented that many Moroccan women, including her, often feel unwell after eating bread and other wheat products. No consolation that doctors never even think of coeliac disease.

Mohsine came in and I was able to show them photos of William, George and of Kat and George's wedding last year, those being the 'official' photos.

It was a hot day but we did visit Kitea up by the airport and then Bricorama hardware store to buy a new lock for the trunk in Ksar Sghrir. After a nap, I went out to photograph a distinctive building along the corniche on the theme of 'Architecture,' with Len's help as an escort.

Len and I strolled back along the promenade in the sunset.

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