
Where would we be without them? In a digital age where reading matter can be downloaded in the blink of an eye, there is nothing better than browsing in a bookshop.

I have always used the free public library, from being taken there as a child to taking my own children as babies/young children. My current local library was totally refurbished about a year ago, and now includes a lovely coffee shop and hosts book reading groups and other community events. Strangely enough the Post Office relocated there at the same time the library reopened. The library is often busy with parents sharing books with their children. It is great to see, and not a mobile phone in sight.

I can use any library throughout Kent, and can return my books anywhere. I now reserve the books I would like to read and these are sourced from libraries throughout the county at no cost to me, and I receive an email when the books are ready for collection. Today the Grayson Perry books were waiting for me. I love to see this great British artist who is mainly a ceramicist when he is on TV debating and sharing his opinions. His art and spoken words are very thought provoking.

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