Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Hummingbirds and a Redstart

A dilemma today on what to blip...I was tempted to go for Yardbird #41, but have decided to put it in Extra in favor of this little male ruby-throat.  This little guy, who has a very distinctive molt pattern on his neck, has been here since Sunday which is rather unusual.  At this time of year, most of the adult males are already well into their journey south and if we get a straggler, it usually only stays a day.  So here we have a late migrant who is apparently taking his time to fuel up.  Fine with me.  He was busy chasing two other hummers, both juveniles around the yard this morning.  This shot was a lucky one in that he had been perched when I started to click, then shot off the branch in hot pursuit of one of the other hummers.  

As for Yardbird #41...a cheeky American Redstart, one of our summer resident warblers.  I usually spot several hunting insects in the woods in our yard but they are hard to photograph since they are so flitty.  This one came quite close, allowing me some decent shots.  

Hubs, after some internal debate and a lot of encouragement from me, left around noon for the last race of the season.  He's worried about his mom and the fact that they can't seem to figure out the root cause of the pain, but I told him that his sister and I have got this.  And we do.  

Two female monarchs emerged early in the day and I was able to release both of them to clear skies this afternoon.  There were several migrant monarchs refueling in the garden, so hopefully these two gals will travel with them.  Both went in memory of women who were loved deeply and are missed by family and friends.  

I discovered two very small 2nd instar cats in the garden - it's going to be a challenge finding good weather to release them in mid-October, but it's doable.  I still have about 20 cats in the nursery and about that many chrysalids.  So, let me know if you want a release dedicated to someone who has left this world.  

Had a filling replaced this morning.  I'm terribly phobic about the dentist, but happy to say that, after two shots of Novacain, I felt nothing.  Still can't feel anything, six hours later... Tried to drink some tea a little while ago...what a horror scene with tea going everywhere except down my throat.  Thank goodness I was alone!

Cheers, people.

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