
I'm used to being able to walk home from work, but sadly, no more. It's a good 10-15 minutes by taxi on almost motorways. I was offered a lift home with a colleague which would've been sensible, but I needed to go to the supermarket and didn't feel sociable. I shopped near work then decided I'd walk until I got a cab in the street. Easier said than done... very few taxis in the area where I work; probably because it's too upmarket with locals. So, I got to admire corvettes, Porsches, BMWs, Audi's etc while I was walking. I also got to observe the youth of the country driving along Lovers Lane calling out to each other, playing loud music and being general hoons. I then veered off the main road and through some quieter streets as I thought there might be taxis near the shops. The walk was interesting - past 2 and 3 storey villas, boats 'moored' in the streets, and generally much quieter. I certainly didn't feel unsafe, a little warm and I'm sure my shoes softened on the hot pavement, and then I came across a taxi. He had the lowest meter fare of any I've ever taken, and I should've got his number. Battling greedy drivers here. I said 'hena' to mean here when we got to my apartment. Arab country he said. I told him I was Egyptian - he looked puzzled, I told him I lived there. We had a chuckle, he was from Yemen, and I tipped him well. With the city not being that big, I'm sure I'll see him again, as there are other drivers I've seen more than once. 

A busy day planning. First day of kids' classes for the new term tomorrow - 2 x 3 hours each.... don't expect much of a blip tomorrow night...

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